├── 🎥01_01 元音[i_].mp4
├── 🎥09_09 元音[u_].mp4
├── 🎥101_12 有关数字和时间.mp4
├── 🎥107_06 Play it by ear .mp4
├── 🎥115_14 A perfect storm.mp4
├── 🎥123_22 Beat around the bush V2.mp4
├── 🎥126_25 Put all one's eggs in one b.mp4
├── 🎥128_27 Bite off more than you can .mp4
├── 🎥12_12 元音[_].mp4
├── 🎥130_29 Can't have your cake and ea.mp4
├── 🎥134_33 Not for all the tea in Chin.mp4
├── 🎥139_38 The finishing touch(es).mp4
├── 🎥149_48 Get on someone's nerves.mp4
├── 🎥163_基础词汇12- 国家和国籍.mp4
├── 🎥166_基础词汇15 -疾病.mp4
├── 🎥16_16 元音[a_].mp4
├── 🎥173_基础词汇22 -厨房里的东西.mp4
├── 🎥180_基础词汇29 -饮料.mp4
├── 🎥183_基础听力练习课 2 - Tim's family.mp4
├── 🎥184_基础听力练习课 3 - Betty's day out.mp4
├── 🎥191_基础听力练习课 10 - Spring Festival.mp4
├── 🎥194_基础听力练习课 13 - A film.mp4
├── 🎥199_基础听力练习课 18 - The Summer holida.mp4
├── 🎥205_情景对话 1.3 餐厅点菜.mp4
├── 🎥211_03. The Fox and the Crow.mp4
├── 🎥218_10. The Frog and the Ox.mp4
├── 🎥223_15. The Young Thief and His Mo.mp4
├── 🎥225_17. The Goose With the Golden .mp4
├── 🎥256_11. The Fox and the Grapes.mp4
├── 🎥26_26 辅音[s] [z].mp4
├── 🎥28_28 辅音[_] [_].mp4
├── 🎥29_29 辅音[t_] [d_].mp4
├── 🎥30_30 辅音[tr] [dr].mp4
├── 🎥32_32 辅音[h].mp4
├── 🎥39_03 辅音与元音的连读.mp4
├── 🎥41_05 辅音与辅音的连读.mp4
├── 🎥47_01 “吃好多”英语怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥48_02 “偷懒翘班”英语怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥53_07 “人傻钱多”怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥57_11 “喜欢or 不喜欢”还能怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥58_12 “好”除了good 还能说什么.mp4
├── 🎥59_13 “不好bad”的不同说法.mp4
├── 🎥67_21 Gut,Guts,Gutted都是什么意思.mp4
├── 🎥69_23 Ish 的五种用法.mp4
├── 🎥71_25 在国外怎么称呼陌生人.mp4
├── 🎥78_32 “给自己挖坑”用英语怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥81_35 “厚脸皮”用英语怎么说.mp4
├── 🎥84_38 如何花式表达“累死了”.mp4
└── 🎥93_04 表示道歉.mp4